Shobogenji Zen Temple – Electric freezers project

Estamos organizando una colecta de donativos (fusWe are organising a collection of donations (fuse) to improve the basic infrastructure of the Temple.

Shobogenji Zen Temple is the heart of Master Kosen’s Sangha in Latin America. It is a place dedicated entirely to the practice of zazen and receives hundreds of practitioners every year. It is located on 40 hectares of native forest at the foot of the Uritorco Mountain in Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina. The Temple is run by Master Dosei Labbate, one of the Dharma heirs of Master Kosen.

freezers Project

Project presentation

Your contribution can help to improve the conditions of practice in the Temple

The Shobogenji Temple is a space of nature, fauna, with trees more than a thousand years old on one of the slopes of Cerro Uritorco (Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina). A land that was inhabited by the Comechingones, the original people of the area, and which for the last 25 years has been home to the practitioners of the Kosen Sangha, of the lineage of Master Taisen Deshimaru. Since we arrived, our intention has been to find a way to inhabit the land by entering into a relationship with the place. At first we practised outdoors, cooking with firewood and preserving our food by putting it as fresh as possible by the river. Little by little we evolved and now we have a dojo, a dining room, improving the conditions for practice. We have been doing everything with the energy of zazen, the joy that zazen practice brings us, by our own efforts. And now what we see, as a community, is that it is important to go deeper into food management. The care and management of food is part of the transmitted practice. So, we are developing a project to move from the gas freezers we have, which are polluting, expensive and dangerous, to being able to expand the solar network and be able to power a freezer and a fridge in the kitchen. For this we are calling for everyone’s help, your collaboration will be welcome.

Below are the details of the project, including budget and technical details, and you can find ways to make your donation.

make your contribution and be part of the project

How to donate?

1. Bank transfer:
ABZD Ass Bouddhiste Zen Deshimaru – Temple Zen du Caroux
RIB: 42559 (code étab.)-10000 (code guichet)-08003594177 (account number)-10 (RIB key)
IBAN: FR76-42559-10000-08003594177-10

Please put «Donation freezers» as reference in the bank transfer.

2. In cash at Sangha Temples and dojos in Europe and Latin America:
List of dojos.

Details of the project

The Temple has been working on a solar energy project for a long time, providing solutions for lighting and other minor needs. Stand-alone systems have been installed in various areas of the Temple, such as the dojo, teacher’s house and living quarters. Now, the focus is on equipping the kitchen, dining hall, shed, toilets, showers and Deshimaru Square with solar energy. Significant progress has been made, including the construction of huts for the generator and batteries. The next step is to replace the old gas refrigeration equipment with conventional 220V equipment, allowing for more efficient and safer food preservation.

Technical details and budget

Total budget: USD 17.000

Solar infrastructure:
(to power showers, toilets, shed, dining room, kitchen, square, freezer, fridge with freezer).

Solar panels 2500 watts.
Inverter – 48 volts 5000watts – 220 volt.
Battery charge regulator.
Battery charger from the generator.
2 packs of lithium bateris with BMS, 48 volts 100 amp each.
Cut-off switches.
Atmospheric discharge protectors for DC and AC.
Support structure for ceiling panels.
Labour for installation.

Materials for freezers installation:

Fridge with 300-litre freezer, 400-litre freezer.
15 metres of iron or pvc pipe in dining room ceiling.
15 metres of iron or pvc pipe on kitchen wall.
Bends and registers.
30 metres of pvc pipe (black irrigation pipe) this pipe will go through the floor.
60 metres of double insulated cable 3x6mm (workshop type) or double sheath in super plastic.
2 boards for 4 two-pole switch modules.
2 two-pole thermal circuit breakers 20 Amp.
2 two-pole 20 amp differentials.
2 external sockets for refrigerators.
2 javelins of 2.50 metres.
2 morsets for the placement of javelins.
2 chambers with frame and floor cover in javelins.
20 metres of 10mm javelin cable (can be bare).
Miscellaneous: dowels, screws, collars, insulating tape, etc.
Labour for installation.

How to donate?

1. Bank transfer:
ABZD Ass Bouddhiste Zen Deshimaru – Temple Zen du Caroux
RIB: 42559 (code étab.)-10000 (code guichet)-08003594177 (account number)-10 (RIB key)
IBAN: FR76-42559-10000-08003594177-10

Please put «Donation freezers» as reference in the bank transfer.

2. In cash at Sangha Temples and dojos in Europe and Latin America:
List of dojos.

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